Economy February 24, 2022 | 10:08 am

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Justified or not, cement price is on the up

Santiago.- The Association of Promoters and Home Builders of Cibao (Aprocovici) expressed on Tuesday its concern about the rise in the price of cement in the last two years.

Landy Colón, president of the entity, assures that in the last 24 months this material for construction has increased by 35%.

He indicated that by March 2020 the average cost of a cement bag in hardware stores was RD$315. While for December 2021 its price was already oscillating at RD$425.

The head of the Cibao Home Builders and Promoters Association stated that, being a locally produced material, such an increase is considered unjustifiable

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Felix Arroyo
February 25, 2022 2:19 am

OH boy! Now they dredge the river banks for sand and aggregate!