Economy March 15, 2022 | 11:07 am

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Canada jobs for Dominicans, if trade pact gets nod

Santo Domingo.- Dominican workers could have a new destination abroad to provide their labor: Canada, if this issue prospers in the free trade agreement that both nations will begin to discuss.

This was announced by the president of the Dominican-Canadian Chamber of Commerce (Canchamrd), Gustavo de Hostos, who stated that among the advantages of a possible trade agreement between the two countries is the migratory part for locals.

“Canadians need Dominican workers to work there, that is the opportunity we have; That is where (the treaty) should be directed, as has been done with Chile, Mexico, as they will do with us once the agreement is signed,” De Hostos said

Among the benefits of a possible binational pact, he highlighted that there would be a free trade agreement that would not only be economic, that would include, in addition to a migratory part, a cultural and aid part, “which are important for the Dominican Republic.”

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March 15, 2022 12:28 pm

I would like to work in canada

March 20, 2022 7:43 pm

Sure just follow these steps

Get 14,000 canadian dollars
Get a degree in a good field and at least 2 years of experience
Make sure not to drink a lot cause the minimum breach in your ID can get you f*cked
Prove your english/french skills

If you successfully followed these steps get in line, between 1-3 million are applying and if you are not the cream of the crop let’s just say, amount the 300,000 best in that year well unfortunately you didnt work hard enough.

You stand a better chance applying for a visa in the US, Australia, the UK or New Zealand, but who knows maybe you worked hard enough.

Just to clear things up, it does not have to be a fair system, they can choose who gets into their country a privilege we’re not worthy of.