Economy March 28, 2022 | 10:55 am

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Manufacturing fell 1.8 in Feb.; Industries

Santo Domingo.- The Monthly Index of Manufacturing Activity (IMAM) of the Association of Industries of the Dominican Republic (AIRD) fell 1.8 in February, going from 64.6 in January to 62.8, showing decreases in the variables of Inventory of Raw Materials and Sales Volume.

This Index is a portrait of the manufacturing activity of a month in relation to the previous one and when it is below the threshold of 50 points, it reflects that the economic conditions and perspectives of the manufacturing sector are considered unfavorable.

The Industry Association of the Dominican Republic (AIRD), the entity responsible for preparing this index, states that above 50.0 the perspectives of the industries are favorable and affirmed that it has been above 60.0 since November of last year

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