Economy April 8, 2022 | 8:58 am

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World Bank agrees: Dominican economy will grow 5%

Photo By: Deborah W. Campos, World Bank

Santo Domingo.- Just as the Dominican economic authorities recently indicated, the World Bank also projects that the country will grow 5% in this 2022 and also in the next year, a percentage lower than the 12.3% estimated in 2021, influenced by the uncertainty in the international context caused by the war between Russia and Ukraine and the COVID-19 pandemic.

With the projection, the country would be the eighth economy with the highest growth in the region, only surpassed by Guyana, Barbados, Saint Lucia, Dominica, Panama, Bahamas and Belize.

For Haiti, on the other hand, a decrease of -0.4% is projected, being the worst projection for the 28 countries listed.

“The Dominican Republic has performed quite well in the last year,” said William Maloney, chief economist for Latin America and the Caribbean at the World Bank, when answering a question from Diario Libre during yesterday’s presentation of the institution’s semi-annual report on the state of the economy in the region.

”In this 2022 and also in the next year, a percentage lower than the 12.3% estimated in 2021, influenced by the uncertainty in the international context caused by the war between Russia and Ukraine and the COVID-19 pandemic.

With the projection, the country would be the eighth economy with the highest growth in the region, only surpassed by Guyana, Barbados, Saint Lucia, Dominica, Panama, Bahamas and Belize.

For Haiti, on the other hand, a decrease of -0.4% is projected, being the worst projection for the 28 countries listed.

“The Dominican Republic has performed quite well in the last year,” said William Maloney, chief economist for Latin America and the Caribbean at the World Bank, when answering a question from Diario Libre during yesterday’s presentation of the institution’s semi-annual report on the state of the economy in the region

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