Economy April 14, 2022 | 4:34 pm

Buy car in DR

Fuel prices unchanged; government subsidizes another RD$820 million

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Santo Domingo.- So far this year, international fuel prices have risen by 30.7%. This has led the Dominican government to implement a hydrocarbon subsidy plan, and it has allocated more than RD$820 million pesos today to mitigate the negative effect on the national economy.

The government says that this subsidy will prevent dramatic increases of more than 11 pesos per gallon in the cost of LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas); almost RD$30 per gallon in the case of Premium gasoline and almost RD$40 per gallon for Regular gasoline; more than RD$72 per gallon for Regular diesel and more than RD$66 per gallon for Optimum diesel.

The Vice Minister of Domestic Trade, Ramón Pérez Fermín, said that the international price of WTI averaged US$98.69 per barrel, almost the same as last week’s average.

The Ministry of Industry, Commerce, and MiPymes established that fuels will be sold at the following prices for the week from 16 to 22 April 2022:

Premium gasoline will be sold at RD$293.60 per gallon.

Regular gasoline will be sold at RD$274.50 per gallon.

Regular diesel will be sold at RD$221.60 per gallon.

Optimum diesel will sell at RD$241.10 per gallon

Avtur (aviation fuel) will sell at RD$264.40 per gallon

Kerosene will sell at RD$300.70 per gallon

Fuel oil #6 will be sold at RD$192.11 per gallon

Fuel oil 1%S will sell for RD$211.77 per gallon

Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) RD$147.60 per gallon

Natural gas RD$28.97 per m3

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