Economy June 2, 2022 | 10:23 am

Buy car in DR

Haitians hoard Dominican coins to make bling-bling

Dajabon, Dominican Republic.- Haitians are hoarding coins of one, five and ten pesos to melt them in shops in their country and then make metal jewelry, which they sell in the streets and establishments of different cities in Haiti, including Cap-Haïtien and Port-au-Prince.

The merchant Jael Louis said that with the five and a peso coins, Haitians make rings, earrings, hoops and also, after melting them, they place them as ornaments on copper chains.

Louis said that because the material with which the Dominican Republic’s currency is made is of good quality, people, mainly women, easily buy the final product.


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June 3, 2022 7:25 am

Please deport the millions of Dominicans that are in Haiti. Haiti gives Dominicans millions of jobs and yet Dominicans don’t appreciate the great country of Haiti which millions of tourists flock to.

June 3, 2022 5:23 pm
Reply to  Platano

What will a Dominican is doing in Haití?there is nothing in Haití to be done other than been kidnapped.

June 4, 2022 8:23 am
Reply to  Guillen

They’re selling pussy in Haiti.. since you’re playing stupid! I know Haiti is not the best country right now economically, and security wise, but to think that you don’t need haitian work force is stupid. Why do dominican flock to other countries if everything is all good in the Dominican republic? I will give you a simple answer, “ECONOMIC” reasons. If you feel like that tell your good uncorrupted president to tell all the dominican citizens to come back home and see how many will come back.. what’s always shiny on one side is not always bright on the other side, be careful what you wish for… being ignorant is a curse, educate yourself on history, by the way I’m a very wealthy haitian that’s worth over well over a hundred fifty million dollars, and I don’t look down on people… I help

Salvatore Trotamundos
June 12, 2022 8:15 am
Reply to  Jack

And what are you doing for your country Mr. millionaire??
I’m in complete agreement to help Haiti become organized and prosperous.
The way things are going Dominicans idiosyncrasy will disappear in a couple of generations. Is that what we want?

June 3, 2022 7:34 pm
Reply to  Platano

please do the math dominicans dont need to be in haiti how many millions of hatians go in the Dominican Republic illegally and don’t pay taxes and do all kind of crimes and kill dominican citizen you guys need to help your self get a government then talk . don’t be a hypocrite. Get a president that don’t rob your country and fix the fathem that is across your country so they dont have to come make a living in DR

Last edited 2 years ago by dominicano
June 3, 2022 7:43 pm
Reply to  Platano

Lol it’s the other way around don’t make Haitians look innocent they come to Dominican rep cause crime that’s why Dominican rep is building a wall

June 4, 2022 2:22 am
Reply to  Platano

Millions of Dominicans in Haiti ? What are you talking about .. ?

June 8, 2022 11:31 am
Reply to  Frank

He means the millions upon millions of Dominicans in Haiti selling Pussy… what don’t you understand? Ask yourself that question why do you think Dominicans go to Haiti and live there? While their country is so called so much better than Haiti???

June 4, 2022 2:25 am
Reply to  Platano

So lets do something ., tell all your Haitian ppl to leave DR . specially the punta cana and bavaro area .. All those hotels are full pack of Haitians. So Dominican can work in their land… I have a farm with about 60 Haitians working for me.. Im sending all of them back to Haiti. So they can work over there…

Peter deus
June 4, 2022 7:29 am
Reply to  Frank

There is no Dominican Republic it’s our land , Haitians land

Michel Eliacin
June 5, 2022 11:11 am
Reply to  Peter deus

Très très bonne reponse.

A quand le proces d’haïti contre la republique dominicaine pour nos terres prises illegalement sur le président NORD ALEXIS?

June 9, 2022 12:37 am
Reply to  Peter deus

You mean Africa bum ,Dominicans are more related to anaconda, caonabo, cotubana, boechio, y’all Haitians need to stop hating on Dominicans and worry about your own.

June 5, 2022 11:27 am
Reply to  Frank

I’m a is citizen, I’m being traveling to Dr for the last 10 years , I owns 2 properties in Santiago, my wife is Dominican …. If you send those workers back to haiti , you will be out of business because Dominican men are lazy, don’t like to work

June 8, 2022 9:52 am
Reply to  John

This is the truth. 1000%. There would be no punta Cana build up like it is without the hard work and cheap labor of Haitians. Dominicans don’t do hard work.

Da Captain
June 8, 2022 10:55 am
Reply to  Brandi

They’re beyond lazy and they will rob you for anything Dominican men getting arrested in Haiti for tons of crimes including kidnapping etc

Julian s Del Valle
June 8, 2022 3:39 pm
Reply to  Brandi

I don’t know how to tell, if you are naive or stupid… Dominican are NOT lazy, because we are working hard in P.R. and USA… The TRUE is dominican don’t work for cheap like haitians in DR. that work like slaves, FOR NOTHING… And after that, sometimes bad dominicans don’t pay to haitians… and no matter what, people from haiti come back to work for shit… because HAITI IS WORST… The other TRUE is that Rich Haitians DON’T LOVE Poor Haitians… Stop talking trash, because that the reality… Also, people from Haiti NEVER talk against France, the ONLY ONE guitly of Haiti’s disgrace… You have to read, and stop talking trash

Jean Felisme
June 8, 2022 2:09 pm
Reply to  Platano

I only ask that any stranger who wants to visit Haiti submit an application for an entry visa, to control the flow of other nationals who live in the country.

June 8, 2022 10:11 am

Ils ont pris nos terres comme vous dîtes mais Qu’est-ce qu’on a foutu avec la nôtre ? On est gouverné par des incapables, on ne s’entend pas entre nous. On s’entretue pour un rien, on ne cultive plus, regarde ce qu’on a fait de Port-au-Prince avec des petites cases au lieu de rester à la campagne pour cultiver les terres et prospérer. Saint Domingue avance plus vite que nous et un jour tous les étrangers achèteront nos terres et nous serons obligés de travailler avec eux sur notre sol comme des esclaves. Si on ne prend pas conscience de tout cela, ce sera perdu. Déjà les bandits prennent le pays en otage, on ne fait rien. On regarde, on va prier, voir les Ougans ….Ils sont où les descendants de Dessalines ? Réveillez vous !!!!

June 8, 2022 10:24 am

Il faut arrêter de critiquer les dominicains, il y a des mauvais et des bons partout mais on n’aime pas voir un concitoyen avancer, dès qu’il entreprend quelque chose, on essaie de le tuer tandis que le blanc va ouvrir une boutique, on ne va pas l’emmerder, par exemple lui mettre une mauvaise chose devant sa boutique etc… Pour un compatriote, on le tuera s’il le faut. On a assassiné mes parents avec la complicité de certains membres de la famille et amis et depuis rien. On me fait même des menaces, vendre une partie de notre héritage avec de faux papiers, alors j’espère que ça changera un jour et qu’on pourra tous retourner y vivre. Pour le moment c’est cuit mais ce sera pire si on ne fait rien…. Bravo saint Domingue et Vive HAÏTI……

June 9, 2022 12:34 am
Reply to  Thomassin

That’s the truth

Salvatore Trotamundos
June 12, 2022 8:57 am
Reply to  Thomassin

Vive Haití à leur place!!

Felix Arroyo
June 8, 2022 10:06 pm

This is a major disrespect and embarrassment of Dominican symbols by an eternal enemy that continues insistently to displace and erase the Dominicanhood.
Dominican, be ready and defend your part of the island from your enemy!

August 12, 2022 4:56 am
Reply to  Felix Arroyo

Yo toy ready