Economy June 7, 2022 | 7:41 am

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Dominican Republic tops in energy losses

Santo Domingo.-Not all the electricity that is produced is sold and invoiced. Therefore, all electricity distribution companies generate losses that can be technical or commercial. In both cases, the lost surplus poses a negative economic impact for the Government, which must buy more energy to supply homes.

Although the Dominican Republic has managed to reduce energy losses by approximately 3.4% per year, it continues to lead electricity loss statistics compared to four countries with similar data, according to the Energy Monitor of the Ministry of Economy, Planning and Development (MEPyD) corresponding to last April, but recently published.

One part of the energy produced by power companies is distributed in the National Interconnected Electric System (SENI), another part is used to keep distribution equipment and software in proper working order, and a percentage is lost in the marketing process due to lack of storage.

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miro jereb
June 7, 2022 10:47 am

CEPM donated a lot of electricity…there is no free lumch. Others ha to pay tjat.