Dominican National Palace has no title

Phot Diario Libre
Santo Domingo.- Yesterday, the director of the Permanent Commission for Titling of State Lands (CPTTE) described as a historical and unprecedented event the act of handing over the property title to the land of the National Palace that they will do today in the same government house.
It will not be a great event, Mérido Torres clarifies when giving the information, but he will be accompanied by some of his collaborators before the administrative minister of the Presidency and there will be a registration photo. It will be at 10:00 in the morning.
The act does not do justice to the importance that the official says will have the fact that after so many years, the National Palace finally comes out of the uncertainty of not having its legal situation defined..
Built in 1944 during the Trujillo era, by the Italian architect Guido D’ Alessandro Lombardi.
This is oddly engaging. How many times has government easily profited by taking lands and property from people who have claimed and documented ownership but without title? Can the government seize the National Palace because it is without title?