Economy July 18, 2022 | 10:41 am

Buy car in DR

Dominican Republic among leading bond issuers with US$3.6B

Santo Domingo.- The Dominican Republic, with US$3.6 billion, was one of the three main international issuers of sovereign bonds in Latin America and the Caribbean in the first quarter of 2022, the other two being Mexico and Chile. Last year it was the fifth country out of 10.

According to the report of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) about capital flows to Latin America and the Caribbean, in 2021 and the first four months of 2022, the country was on a list of six that from January to April of this year accessed the international bond market. The others were Panama, Bolivia and Paraguay.

The number of offers from the Dominican Republic in that period was two: each one for 1.8 billion dollars, one maturing in 2029, and a 5.5% coupon, and the other in 2033, and a coupon of 6%.

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Tom Gato
July 18, 2022 11:33 am

Just an indication of more debt being incurred by the present government