Economy July 20, 2022 | 7:43 am

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Power pact affects us all: Dominican industries say

Santo Domingo.- Before the decision made by President Luis Abinader, to stop the increase in the rate contained in the Electric Pact, the executive vice president of the Association of Industries of the Dominican Republic (AIRD), Circe Almánzar, considered yesterday that the issue must be agreed upon by the groups involved and must not be politicized.

The businesswoman recalled that when the Electric Pact was signed, everyone understood the importance of solving the country’s electricity crisis, with the problems that had accumulated.

At that time, Almánzar reiterated that there were international variables different from those of now; therefore, when it comes to reviewing it, it is between all sectors so that there is no burden for users or for the Government.
“… The issue cannot be politicized, but it must be managed as a nation, because -after all, I come back and repeat-, if we have the electricity problem, on the one hand, if we do not make the rates transparent, the Government pays them and we have a deficit issue in the electricity sector that is paid for through subsidies.”

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Paul Tierney
July 20, 2022 9:43 am

The AIRD Exec VP Circe Almánzar is correct about being transparent. The past cultures and behaviors of government control of the operation of the public electricity sectors was darkened with graft. Exampled in part, the electricity sector was used as a dumping ground for unqualified people as favors to politicians and officials who were very generous with their influence to provide approvals for rate increases and other sector matters. However, the funds from increases were seldom seen as being put into infrastructure operations or maintenance. Where did the funds go? This unanswered question is the reason why the sector is wanting today.

Being transparent will at least provide a window into the justification of future rate changes.

Last edited 2 years ago by Paul Tierney