Medical marijuana in the Dominican Republic?
Santo Domingo.- After information was released that Cooperstown Hall of Famer David Ortiz partnered with a company to launch a line of marijuana products, to be called “Papi Cannabis,” the debate over whether the country could use this plant for medicinal use came to light again.
The use of marijuana, even for medicinal purposes, is prohibited in the Dominican Republic, because according to people consulted by Diario Libre, the issue is handled as a crime and not as a health issue.
For the executive director of the Open House Association, Juan Raddamés de la Rosa, the use of medical marijuana is a topic that is debated throughout the world and in recent years it has been discovered that it is a soft drug that does not produce as much damage as was previously portrayed.
Not medical but recreational permits we need in DR
The Dominican government should skip over all the medical marijuana bs and just legalize it and tax it. The revenue paid can help pay for things such as infrastructure and education in the country. In addition legalization would clear up the court system of minor non sensical cases like weed cases. Go Big Papi !!
Only short-minded politicians and brainless people, still consider Marijuana a drug. We can make a business out of the tourist who wants their Dominican quality marijuana, Mexico legalized it, and DR cannot stay behind
Higher is better…everyone triipin’ balls is the goal…and they would be easier to control…americans can attest to that…😉😂
Medical marijuana is another way for Big pharma to make a profit of the pain and misery others” thats a lie” marijuana is a drug and it always will be a drug. And david ortiz is just another celebrity athlete low life, who just cares about popularity contest. Manny Ramirez was better then him anyway.
I am a disabled veteran and the medical marijuana helped me eliminate seven different prescribed drugs I was on it before starting the medical Canibis. Like the other person said not only short minded politicians, but also uninformed citizens that do not understand the medical benefits of this plant. I am Dominican and do not visit my country because of that reason. I need to use it therefore I do not go there.
If you say as a Ex disable veteran that marijuana has helped you relieve some of your Ailments, i will not knock you for it, butit stills does not change the fact, that marijuana has ten times more chemicals and carsigen, then gigarretes, is know to be Hallucinogen drug thats mixed with other compounds. i seriously doubt it would be more used for medical purposes; than just being another party drug for Hedonists deprave types that are just looking to futher the youth degeneracy path of destruction. 🙄 Folks cut it out We already have to deal with Alcohol,dembow, and hooka. Now lets go full board to hell with marijuana legalization ?😳😆😵