Prices of all fuels will remain the same
For the week from August 20 to 26, 2022, the Ministry of Industry, Commerce, and MiPymes provides that fuels will be marketed at the following prices:
Premium Gasoline will be sold at RD$293.60 per gallon, maintaining its price.
Regular Gasoline RD$274.50 per gallon carries its price.
Regular Gasoil RD$221.60 per gallon carries its price.
Gasoil Óptimo RD$241.10 per gallon maintains its price.
Avtur RD$298.91 per gallon keeps its price.
Kerosene RD$338.10 per gallon maintains its price.
Fuel Oíl #6 RD$192.11 per gallon maintains its price.
Fuel Oíl 1%S RD$211.77 per gallon maintains its price.
Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) RD$147.60 per gallon maintains its price.
Natural Gas RD$28.97 per m3 maintains its price.
The weekly average exchange rate is RD$54.09 from the Central Bank’s daily publications.
The international price of WTI maintains an average of around US$90; however, despite the slight reduction, the Dominican government has once again allocated an extraordinary subsidy of 300 million pesos to contain the increases in all fuels for the week of 20-26 August.
The vice-minister of Domestic Trade, Ramón Pérez Fermín, explained that in general terms, the market issues have not changed: “On the one hand, the expectations of low world demand, as a result of the fear of an economic recession, has had an impact, although it is fair to say that in the last two weeks the signs are positive and the recession has subsided and on the other hand, the war in Ukraine, with more than five months of hostility, has caused prices to increase to historical levels that we have not seen since 2008.”
“In sum and subtraction, the Government has determined that for at least one more week, the prices will be maintained, having to assume an extraordinary sacrifice of 300 million pesos”, expressed Pérez Fermín. With this extraordinary subsidy, the government would avoid increases ranging from 12 pesos per gallon in the case of LPG to almost 64 pesos per gallon for Optimum Gasoil.