Economy August 26, 2022 | 12:51 pm

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Pro Consumidor: Seeks to lighten grocery store operating costs

Eddy Alcántara, Pro-Consumer Executive Director

The National Institute for the Protection of Consumer Rights (Pro Consumidor) is analyzing alternatives in the distribution chain of products in search of creating mechanisms that can lower operating costs in the trade of goods and thus ensure that prices remain stable or decrease.

This was stated yesterday by the director of Pro Consumidor, Eddy Alcántara, who also informed that a survey has been made to know the situation that affects the commerce sector and that makes it difficult to place a lower margin on the products.

This is due to the fact that the retailers said that the operating costs of the grocers have risen up to 23%, so they have had to increase the margins on the products.

“From the pact that was signed with the merchants, the fundamental thing has been that most of the products remain stabilized and that we look for mechanisms to try to reduce the cost of operation with the alternatives that are being sought.”

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He said that they are managing palliative alternatives that reach distributors and retailers, and that this benefit be transferred to consumers, which is the main objective.

The official explained that since this sector is not regulated by the Monetary and Financial Law, it is the responsibility of Pro Consumidor to watch over the rights of each one of the consumers who carry out transactions with the suppliers of this type of commerce.

It also indicated that the main purpose of the review of adhesion contracts by Pro Consumidor is “to ensure that they do not contain clauses detrimental to the rights of consumers or users, enshrined in the consumer protection law”.

“Failure to comply with the requirements stipulated in adhesion contracts, including the introduction of abusive clauses, is considered an infringement of the aforementioned law, for which the individuals or legal entities that by omission or action have participated in them, through fraud, fault or mere non-observance, will be responsible,” he finally said.

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Paul Tierney
August 26, 2022 9:15 pm

It would be interesting to know how much the middlemen mark up their prices before distributing products to stores.