Economy September 30, 2022 | 4:46 pm

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Prices of all fuels will remain the same during this week

Santo Domingo, DR
The Ministry of Industry, Commerce, and MiPymes (MICM) informed this Friday that the price of fuels would remain the same for the week of 1 to 7 October 2022.

The usual Friday communiqué indicated that the government would maintain more than RD$100 million in special subsidies.

In this context, premium gasoline will continue to be sold at RD$293.60 per gallon and regular at RD$274.50.

Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) will continue at RD$147.60 per gallon, and Natural Gas at RD$28.97 per m3 will maintain its price.

Regular diesel maintains a price of RD$221.60 per gallon, optimum RD$241.10 per gallon, avtur RD$298.91 per gallon, kerosene RD$338.10 per gallon.

Meanwhile, fuel oil #6 will continue to be sold at RD$192.11 per gallon; fuel oil 1% will be at RD$211.77 per gallon.

The average weekly exchange rate is RD$53.49 from the Central Bank’s daily publications.

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