Economy December 3, 2022 | 12:00 pm

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Fuel prices remain unchanged

Fuel prices (External source)

For the week of October 3 to December 9, 2022, the Ministry of Industry, Commerce, and MiPymes (MICM) has ordered that fuels will be sold at the following prices:

Premium Gasoline will be sold at RD$293.60 per gallon, maintaining its price.
Regular Gasoline RD$274.50 per gallon maintains its price.
Regular Gasoil RD$221.60 per gallon maintains its price.
Gasoil Óptimo RD$241.10 per gallon maintains its price.
Avtur RD$273.91 per gallon maintains its price.
Kerosene RD$338.10 per gallon maintains its price.
Fuel Oíl #6 RD$192.11 per gallon maintains its price.
Fuel Oíl 1%S RD$211.77 per gallon maintains its price.
Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) RD$147.60 per gallon maintains its price.
Natural Gas RD$28.97 per m3 maintains its price.


Fuel prices
The weekly average exchange rate is RD$54.78 from the daily publications of the Central Bank.

The vice minister of Internal Commerce, Ramon Perez Fermin, informed this Friday that throughout this year the government of the president, Luis Abinader, to maintain the prices of fuels for domestic use without variation, has allocated almost 35 billion pesos in extraordinary subsidies.

With this measure of keeping it frozen, the government is avoiding increases mainly in Regular Gasoil for RD$37.63 and Optimum Gasoil for RD$39.53. Perez explained that as the last month of the year 2022 begins, the international context remains the same, the recovery of the post-pandemic demand, the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and the adverse effects on the raw materials market.

Fuel prices
“The Dominican government, in an exercise of solidarity and empathy with the people, once again prevents fuel hikes from materializing. Our government’s commitment is clear, without any bending. To transfer to the market, within the framework of what is possible and economically responsible, the least amount of financial burden to the pockets of Dominicans, especially those who can least afford it,” said Perez.

“Transparency constitutes a fundamental pillar of the government of President Luis Abinader. That is why every Friday we share with the citizens the international context of the hydrocarbons market and its consequent impact on the national market,” he added.

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December 3, 2022 11:08 pm

they better be because if LPG goes up lord help us and the GOV knows that…but after the election I’m sure will be 155

Last edited 2 years ago by there