Economy June 23, 2023 | 8:13 am

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Abinader reveals sectors where public investment will be directed

Santo Domingo.- During the closing speech of the Second National Planning Meeting organized by the Ministry of Economy, President Luis Abinader outlined the key focus areas of his administration’s public policies aimed at enhancing the population’s quality of life. These include job creation, promotion of public and private investments, and building economic resilience against the impacts of climate change.

President Abinader emphasized the need to adapt the healthcare system to the evolving epidemiological profile of the population, with a particular emphasis on promoting lifestyle changes through physical activity. He also highlighted the importance of improving the quality of life for the rural population, viewing them not just as food providers but as a segment that deserves attention and support.

In his speech, President Abinader stressed the significance of generating employment opportunities that involve women, technological advancements, and artificial intelligence (AI). He mentioned that the National Multiannual Plan of the Public Sector has prioritized investments in water, health, housing, and transportation, with a budget exceeding RD$50 billion in 2023, surpassing previous administrations.

The president also discussed the Territorial Cohesion Fund, a tool through which 123 projects are being executed in vulnerable municipalities and municipal districts across the country.

President Abinader emphasized the government’s commitment to making investments in the areas where people reside, recognizing the importance of local development. He highlighted the ongoing construction of seven extensions of the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (UASD), the Technical Institute for Vocational Training (Infotep), and the Technological Institute of the Americas (ITLA) in various provinces. These initiatives have contributed to a decrease in the number of “ninis” (young people who neither study nor work) from 28% to 21%.

The president proudly mentioned the declining unemployment rate, which decreased from 14.7% in December 2020 during the pandemic to 11.7% in the same period in 2022. He also noted an increase in the participation of women in the labor market, rising from 43.5% to 46.5% during the same timeframe.

President Abinader attributed these positive developments to the promotion of productive sectors, including the establishment of new companies, industrial parks, and free zones. He highlighted the significant investments in the hotel sector, which reached a record high of US$4 billion in 2022.

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Paul Tierney
June 23, 2023 8:37 am

The quality of health in the rural areas really needs to be addressed. There is a considerable need for medical clinics and farmacias in the campos. Is it not twisted there are more lottery banks than health services in the campos? The country needs to invest in more boticas and a fleet of mobile doctors/nurses for the rural sectors.

Peter Harris
June 23, 2023 7:05 pm

While reforming the education system. add courses such as health prevention , and environmental protection.