Economy June 25, 2023 | 12:00 pm

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Water service shortage worsens in the country

Community members line up to fetch water due to water shortages.JORGE_MARTINEZ

The limited distribution of drinking water or, in some cases, the lack of supply of this liquid has been a persistent reality in sectors of greater Santo Domingo, as Listín Diario has verified in multiple visits.

The social development accompanied by improvised urbanization has generated hundreds of thousands of citizens without an underground drinking water supply. This creation is the responsibility of the Corporation of Aqueduct and Sewerage of Santo Domingo (CAASD).

However, other sectors lack this right despite having this distribution system. The situation has worsened even more due to the seasonal drought.

This reality has forced the communities to buy water trucks from companies incorporated by the Federación Nacional de Transporte Dominicano (Fenatrado), whose union has dozens of trucks available to market the liquid to impoverished neighborhoods.

This business is, to a certain extent, linked to the CAASD since the water extracted by these companies comes from the cisterns or submersible pumping stations that the public institution has installed in different parts of the Capital, and which, in turn, it administers.

According to union workers, the truck owners must pay CAASD representatives or employees, who control the cisterns, an amount of RD$100 or RD$200, depending on the truck size.

The purchased drinking water is then marketed to the community for a cost ranging from RD$1,500 to RD$2,800, according to a driver who works at one of the CAASD supply points near the Quisqueya Juan Marichal Stadium.

However, the public entity indicates that the Fenatrado union has to make three daily trips in vulnerable areas due to the lack of this liquid, which they analyze.

The CAASD has pointed out that in periods like these, where the country is going through a seasonal drought, the requirement has increased, so they have had up to 150 trucks, with three trips per unit.

The rental of these trucks costs RD$1,900, according to information provided by the institution.

“We have a link, a contract to be contractors to give free services to the people and they (CAASD) reimburse us,” said another driver, who preferred to remain anonymous for security reasons.

There is also free

Failures in the distribution system have caused water shortages in several neighborhoods, which has led to the creation of businesses to distribute this liquid.

The CAASD provides free services with its own tanker trucks to counteract these irregularities. However, this operation has not been well supported by the citizens.

This reality has been exposed by community members of the 24 de Abril sector of the National District in a publication entitled “Residents of the 24 de Abril sector suffer hardships due to lack of water in the “letter carrier” street.”

Luis Alberto, a resident of this area, said that when the CAASD usually provides the service, it only does so for no more than 10 to 15 minutes. “Today (June 13), it arrived at 6:00 in the morning, and by 6:10, it was gone,” he testified, and that he woke up early to fill his water tanks but was unsuccessful.

Sector 24 de Abril, National District

Residents indicated that the entity sends weekly water trucks to the street to distribute it in a few portions, but they have no interest in finding a solution to the problem.

They do not go

Charlie Tavares pointed out that Caasd has not gone to the neighborhood to explain the reason for the limitation of the water service.


The areas of preference to receive drinking water because “they face the greatest problem with the supply, as a result of the drought” are the Los Alcarrizos, Pedro Band, and Santo Domingo Oeste municipalities.

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Ramon Garcia
June 25, 2023 10:21 pm

Listin Diario, the opposition newspaper is at it again. I see 2 Dominicans in that picture.

June 26, 2023 11:15 am

I live in Santiago and in my sector there was water 24/7. About 6 months ago water was cut on Fridays the whole day. Now about 2 months ago there is no water also on Monday’s. In other parts of Santiago this is routine. Eyes on this Mr President. Not good.

Last edited 1 year ago by Alfredo
June 26, 2023 11:54 am

R.D. esta full de haitianos…

July 6, 2023 12:04 pm

Nobody cares about the most marginalized in the country, which make up most of the population. In the capital, most neighborhoods suffer from this water shortage. The lack of adequate investments into the infrastructure of water treatment plants and sewers has intensified this disaster. In addition, the rampant urbanization and construction without proper city planning will intensify this shortage in the upcoming years. It seems like every green land and/or forest area is being converted into a building or townhouse complex. The great environmental impact this will have on water accessibility will greatly affect the poor unfortunate. My only hope is that DR has a strong diaspora that is able to vote and can hopefully sway the elections for a better candidate to run the country and put a stop to this incessant construction fiasco.