Economy July 18, 2023 | 3:56 pm

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Dominican Republic invites LATAM Capital to invest in new tourism development areas

In light of the Dominican Republic’s remarkable tourism growth, authorities are exploring fresh alternatives to expand the country’s offerings for visitors worldwide. Recently, Vice Minister for Economic Affairs and International Cooperation, Hugo Rivera, met with representatives from LATAM Capital Group, who are actively engaged in projects in Punta Cana.

During the meeting, Rivera highlighted the government’s implementation of a new sustainable tourism model in Pedernales, aimed at attracting esteemed investors like Latam Capital. This collaboration seeks to provide the project with a distinct seal of excellence and security, leveraging the expertise and reputation of respected firms such as LATAM Capital Group.

Mario Alegría, CEO of LATAM Group, expressed their shared interests, stating, “We are working closely with Vice Minister Rivera, particularly exploring the possibility of participating in the Dominican government’s construction initiatives in the new development area located in Pedernales. We aim to establish a fruitful public-private alliance that benefits all involved parties.”

Alegría further emphasized the allure of Pedernales, highlighting its breathtaking Caribbean beaches, which he boldly described as among the finest in the world. Recognizing the vast business potential for foreign investors in the Dominican Republic, LATAM Capital Group expressed their delight at the government’s invitation to partake in the nascent development of this area.

As the discussions progress, the Dominican Republic eagerly anticipates the establishment of successful partnerships that will contribute to the country’s sustainable tourism growth, providing remarkable experiences for visitors while fostering economic prosperity.

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