Economy August 19, 2023 | 9:00 am

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Some products increased their prices again in July

In July, the price index of agricultural products increased by 1.9% because some effects experienced increases in their costs, so it was at 113.9 points, according to the monthly report Agricultural Prices: analysis and Follow-up of the Ministry of Economy, Planning and Development (Mepyd).

Last month the index was 111.8 points, with which it had obtained a reduction of 0.5% when compared to the previous month.

According to the report, some of the agricultural products that registered increases are superior rice, which had a variation of 9.7%, since for June, the cereal price was RD$25.7, and for last month, it reached RD$28.2.

Increases were also registered for salad tomatoes (10%); auyama/squash (3.8%); green pigeon peas (25.0%); yams (17.0%), and yautía/root (73.5%).

Meanwhile, the agricultural product that increased the most in price last month was cabbage, with a variation of 32.1%.

In June, cabbage cost RD$94 per pound, while it stood at RD$124 in July.

The report notes that despite the variation in the index, more products lowered or maintained their prices last July.

Among the products are white beans, which had a variation of -2.1%, cucumber (-3.1%), and egg, which dropped from RD$8.00 to RD$7.7 (-0.4%).

On the other hand, the price index of livestock products stood at 130.2 points, equivalent to a monthly decrease of 0.6%.

In this area, as in the case of agricultural products, some reflected increases, as is the point of pork leg, which rose to RD$130 per pound.

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