Economy August 22, 2023 | 8:28 am

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Cabinet created to fight sargassum

Santo Domingo.- President Luis Abinader has established the Cabinet to Fight Sargasso as an advisory council through Decree number 379-23 dated August 21, 2023. This cabinet is tasked with proposing and coordinating public policies aimed at mitigating the impacts of sargassum on the beaches and coasts of the Dominican Republic.

Comprising key officials, the Cabinet includes the Minister of Tourism, the Minister of the Environment and Natural Resources, the Minister of Economy, Planning and Development, the Executive Vice President of the National Council for Climate Change and Clean Development Mechanism, the General Commander of the Navy of the Dominican Republic, a representative from the Ministry of the Presidency, and a representative from the Association of Hotels and Tourism (ASONAHORES) to represent the private sector.

This initiative by the Executive Branch is a response to concerns raised by society and the tourism sector regarding the escalating influx of sargassum onto the Dominican coasts each year. The decree’s purpose is to harmonize policies, plans, and projects to combat sargassum, define responsibilities for Cabinet members, and foster private sector involvement in addressing this national issue.

Furthermore, the Cabinet may recommend financial backing from the Executive Branch or international organizations for proposed solutions. It is also empowered to invite other governmental bodies or private sector entities related to the environment and tourism to its sessions, promoting a diverse dialogue.

President Abinader’s decision is a significant stride toward restoring the Dominican coasts, enabling both local and international tourists to relish the country’s picturesque beaches once again. This endeavor will stimulate economic gains from the tourism industry and safeguard these natural resources as part of the national heritage.

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Paul Tierney
August 22, 2023 9:43 am

This is good, putting heads together to find a solution to abate the sargassum problem. Just wondering whose budget will be absorbing the costs. Suggest it should be that of tourism, the industry most affected by the dilemma. The Ministry of Tourism has more than enough funds.