Economy October 10, 2023 | 1:36 pm

Buy car in DR

Industry and Commerce will give Haitians access to essential products

Santo Domingo.- The Ministry of Industry, Commerce, and MSMEs of the Dominican Republic has taken action to establish a humanitarian corridor that will allow Haitian citizens access to essential products. Minister Víctor “Ito” Bisonó announced via Twitter that discussions are underway with local merchants, authorities, and civil society to create a mechanism for this purpose.

“We are working to provide Haitian citizens with access to basic necessities,” he stated in his tweet. Bisonó shared a video showing his arrival in the border province of Elías Piña via helicopter, as well as part of the meeting with relevant stakeholders.

This initiative is part of an effort to reopen trade with Haiti, and it focuses on providing Haitian citizens with essential goods through a humanitarian corridor. The orientation day regarding the reopening of trade with Haiti also involves discussions with merchants from the border markets in the southern region of the Dominican Republic.

Furthermore, Minister Bisonó met with representatives of merchant associations from the Dajabón binational market, who expressed their readiness for the border’s reopening. It’s important to note that the reopening of trade with Haiti, scheduled for Wednesday, will initially be limited to pedestrian traffic. The goal is to address the basic needs of Haitian citizens while fostering cooperation at the border.

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October 10, 2023 5:57 pm

In other words Dominican exporters to Haiti have finally won their battle to resume selling to Haiti .

Walter Retzlaff
October 10, 2023 6:55 pm

He makes it appear that the DR are doing it solely for humanitarian reasons. Does nobody not see that Dominican merchants and farmers benefit with trade with Haiti?

Dave Lopes
October 11, 2023 12:19 am

Humanitarian?????? Haiti is buying, it’s not charity. Keep the border closed.

Jo josh
October 11, 2023 7:17 am

Well Haitians do not want Dominican products anymore, they want that border to remain shut and are sourcing Mexican product… short sighted Abinader