Economy October 17, 2023 | 3:33 pm

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INDOTEL and SNS sign agreement; They will install satellite internet in Primary Care Centers

The Dominican Institute of Telecommunications (Indotel) and the National Health Service (SNS) have signed a collaboration agreement to install satellite internet kits in four Primary Care Units (UNAP) located in the provinces of Elías Piña, El Seibo, and Montecristi. The goal of this initiative is to provide these healthcare centers with broadband internet access, thereby supporting connectivity and reducing the digital divide in these regions.

In the initial stage of the project, satellite kits and necessary access networks will be installed in the four health centers mentioned. This effort aims to enhance operational conditions and promote digital inclusion in the local communities.

Nelson Arroyo, President of the Indotel Board of Directors, emphasized that this collaboration aligns with the government’s objectives to promote digital transformation. He expressed his satisfaction in contributing to closing the digital divide and facilitating access to technological tools for citizens.

Mario Lama, Director of the SNS, praised Indotel’s efforts to expand broadband connectivity across the country. He highlighted the benefits of connectivity for the health sector, such as improving data collection and patient history management. Lama noted that access to connectivity positively impacts various aspects of human life, particularly in education and healthcare.

This project involves the installation of satellite infrastructure and wireless networks as part of the Access and Infrastructure Component of the Connect the Unconnected Project within the Biannual Plan 2021-2022.

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