Economy December 7, 2023 | 8:21 am

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Job fair opens U.S. summer work opportunities for Dominican students

Santo Domingo.- The Tourism and Cultural Exchange Office (OFIT) and the international organization GreenHeart Exchange hosted a job fair for university students participating in the annual “Work & Travel” summer program. Over 600 applicants, who had previously selected their preferred job type, had the opportunity to be interviewed by 20 American companies that exclusively came to the country for the event.

GreenHeart Exchange, as the main American sponsor, facilitates this program along with the employer companies. They offer Dominican students who meet the criteria the chance to work in the United States during the summer. Besides gaining work experience, the primary goal of the Work and Travel program is cultural integration and interaction with people from other countries, while improving English language skills. Full-time university students are eligible to participate.

Modesto Reyes, president of OFIT, described the program as a “unique and unrepeatable experience.” This year, the program spans various U.S. states including Maryland, Maine, Pennsylvania, California, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Arizona, Alaska, Arkansas, Illinois, Connecticut, and Colorado, among others. Reyes highlighted the high regard in which Dominican students are held by the hiring companies, noting their skills, talent, charisma, and human quality. He emphasized the program’s role in fostering the leadership qualities of these young individuals.

The Work and Travel program is regulated by the U.S. State Department, and OFIT represents major American organizations involved as sponsors. This ensures that Dominican youth have access to multiple job options and the necessary formal work permits.

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Paul Tierney
December 7, 2023 8:53 am

Suspect most of the jobs are for seasonal help in the hospitality and restaurant industries. There has been a decline of the seasonal workers because of the hard work, long hours, and minimum pay. If the students do go, they have to have their eyes wide open. They must investigate who is going to be their employers. The organizers of this job fair should cross check the credentials of companies to prevent students from getting into abusive situations. If all goes well the students will benefit by mixing with the US people, other foreigners, and culture.

December 7, 2023 5:40 pm
Reply to  Paul Tierney

Agreed. As the program is regulated by the State department, I would hope/assume there’s a minimum qualification the sponsor organizations must show. While the money may be minimum, the largest plus for the students will be the 2-3 months of immersion English. That will pay them back for years to come.