Economy March 21, 2024 | 4:26 pm

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DGII and IDB host ‘Dialogue Forum with Large Taxpayers’

Santo Domingo.- The General Directorate of Internal Taxes (DGII) and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) convened the “Dialogue Forum with Large Taxpayers” to discuss the development of a Collaborative Compliance Program (PCC), aimed at fostering cooperation, trust, legal certainty, transparency, and efficiency between taxpayers and tax authorities.

During the forum’s opening, DGII Director Luis Valdez Veras announced plans for a two-year pilot PCC in the country, emphasizing its mutual benefits for both the institution and taxpayers. He described the program as a comprehensive initiative fostering closer relationships, cooperation, enhanced compliance risk management, resource efficiency, reputational enhancement, conflict resolution, and improved climate for foreign direct investment.

Valdez Veras emphasized the rigorous consultation process with large taxpayers and the thorough review of legal provisions integral to the program’s design. He highlighted the establishment of a Fiscal Control Framework (MCF) aligned with international best practices to ensure greater legal certainty.

The presentation titled “Collaborative Compliance in the Dominican Republic: The Vision of the DGII” underscored trust and transparency as foundational principles of the program, signifying a paradigm shift in tax administration towards closer engagement with taxpayers.

Miguel Baruzze, head of IDB Operations, commended the country’s initiative in adopting the PCC, noting its effectiveness in mitigating the adverse effects of traditional inspection systems. He referenced successful implementations in OECD countries and assured the IDB’s support for nations opting for this approach.

The forum served as a strategic platform for tax authorities and large taxpayers to discuss key aspects of tax compliance, fostering collaboration and the exchange of best practices. Experts from various countries, including Spain, Brazil, Panama, Peru, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, and the Dominican Republic, along with representatives from DGII, IDB, CIAT, and the Dominican business community, participated in the week-long activities.

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