FENACERD proposes to implement itinerant markets
Popular markets
The National Federation of Merchants and Entrepreneurs of the Dominican Republic (FENACERD) as a way of guaranteeing the availability and access of food to the population, at the moment when the country is affected by COVID 19, proposed to implement the National Food Network.
The president of Fenacerd, Manuel Ortiz, considered that the National Food Network should be put into operation as a matter of urgency from the Merca Santo Domingo facilities, contributing its logistics to offer the availability of food to municipal markets, as well as to itinerant markets in an emergency.
“That as many emergency itinerant markets are temporarily implemented as may be necessary in Greater Santo Domingo, the South and East Regions of the Country; they will receive the products in small delivery trucks, which will be organized and from there they will proceed to offer the products to the consumer and retail businesses, observing the provisions of the Ministry of Public Health,” argued Ortiz.
The commercial leader explained that these itinerant emergency markets will operate using the transport infrastructure, warehouses, silos, supermarkets and cold rooms of the Inespre (Institute for Price Stabilization).
Request that Micro Subsistence and Accumulation Companies be formalized with a certificate and a monotax.
As also, in the appropriate public places in the National District and Greater Santo Domingo, including the provinces and municipalities, with the aim that consumers, grocery stores, supermarkets, and vendors can easily acquire the required products, according to the president of the Fenacerd in a press release sent to the media.