No beds: DR’s Greater Santo Domingo reaches 100% hospital occupancy by COVID-19

The Minister of Public Health, Rafael Sánchez Cárdenas, reported today that in Greater Santo Domingo there are 641 hospitalized for COVID-19, representing 100% hospitalization. In addition, he said that of this amount 122 patients are in intensive care, 65 of them with artificial respiration, for an 80% ICU occupation.
The official added that in general, there are 1,396 patients hospitalized by Covid-19 in the country, for 93% of hospital occupancy, as of July 26.
Sánchez Cárdenas also indicated that of the total number of hospitalized people, 268 are in Intensive Care Units, of which 120 are under ventilation.
The situation of the coronavirus in the DR:
In the Dominican Republic, confirmed cases of the Covid-19 coronavirus rose to 64,156 with 1,248 new ones, while the deceased amounted to 1,083, with 20 additional deaths, registered in the last 24 hours.
This was reported today during a virtual press conference by the Minister of Public Health, Rafael Sánchez Cárdenas.
He added that there are 1,396 hospitalized, 268 in Intensive Care Units of these 120 in ventilation.
According to bulletin number 130, read by the official, the median age of the total cases: 37 years, interquartile range from 28 to 52 years.
52.57% (33,728) are men and 46.20% (29,641) of the cases are concentrated in 12 municipalities.
In total, there are 259 positive health workers for COVID-19, of which 64.47% (167) correspond to the female sex.
In the last 4 weeks, the positivity of the processed samples is 33.47%.
By place of residence, 75.44% (817) of the deceased correspond to 12 municipalities.
The median age of the deceased is 66 years, interquartile range from 53 to 76 years. 66.94% (725) are men.
Comorbidities of the deceased: hypertension (33.52%) and diabetes (22.24%).
To date, 30,204 people have recovered from the virus in the country.