Health December 7, 2020 | 2:28 pm

Number of Patients in ICU and Assisted Ventilation Increases

The authorities notified 187 patients in intensive care yesterday.

Santo Domingo, DR

A sustained increase in the number of critical care patients who have required admissions to Intensive Care Units (ICU) and is connected to mechanical ventilation because of Covid-19 has been registering in the country in recent days.

Yesterday, 187 patients were notified in intensive care for an occupancy rate of 42%, two more patients than the day before when there were 185 patients in those conditions for a 41% occupancy rate, while compared to last Thursday, the increase is five patients and the occupancy rate rose by four percentage points.

Assisted ventilation requirements have also been experiencing a sustained increase over the past four days. Yesterday, the COVID epidemiological surveillance system reported 112 patients on ventilation. The day before, 106 patients were reported on assisted ventilation. Last Friday’s report showed 97, and Thursday’s report showed 92 patients using these machines.

Yesterday there were 807 patients hospitalized in regular hospital wards due to respiratory disease caused by the SarsCov2 virus.

798 new infections

In the last 24 hours, the Covid-19 epidemiological surveillance system did not report any deaths due to this disease, with the death toll remaining at 2,345 accumulated from March to date.

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