Health March 18, 2021 | 2:32 pm

Authorities will step up surveillance during Easter Week

Social distancing on beaches is difficult.

Santo Domingo, DR

Health authorities will maintain increased epidemiological surveillance but warn that the population must be strict and rigorous in complying with preventive measures using masks, distancing, and hygiene to avoid a resurgence of the Covid-19 virus after the Holy Week holiday.

The experts called not to neglect to get the second dose of the vaccine against the virus on the day it is due. The vaccination process is immediately resumed because it is the only way to ensure that the immunization schedule is completed.

Thus the country takes steps to control the pandemic. Dr. Ivelisse Acosta, vice-minister of Collective Health; Ronald Skewes, director of Epidemiology and Eddy Pérez-Then, advisor on Covid issues, responded to concerns expressed by different specialists who fear that after Easter when there is usually high-volume travel of people to beaches and resorts, a third outbreak of the Covid-19 virus could occur in the country.

The group pointed out that in addition to the decree which establishes more rigorous measures restricting mobility and the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages, strict epidemiological surveillance will be maintained, but that the population should not “lower their guard” regarding the use of masks, physical distancing, and hand washing.

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