Health March 26, 2021 | 7:43 am

Dominican Republic youngsters at highest Covid transmission risk

Santo Domingo.- Public Health Minister, Daniel Rivera, warned Thursday that young people pose the greatest risk in the transmission of COVID-19 during the next Easter Week, because they are the most mobilized; while the cases of the disease have skyrocketed considerably among those under 20 years of age, according to statistics, for which he urged the population to maintain physical distancing and sanitary measures.

“The young people, I know they are going to move a lot, that is the danger, therefore, we are talking about the warning, you already saw it in Chile, you saw it in France, Italy, Germany, so we are warned,” said the minister.

The warning comes while the transmission rate of COVID-19 rose from 1.5 to 2.5, that is, one infected person has the capacity to infect more than two.

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