Health April 2, 2021 | 10:12 am

The January-March quarter is the second with the most deaths from covid, with 914 deaths

Santo Domingo, DR.

The projections were fulfilled regarding the disastrousness of the coronavirus in the Dominican Republic by closing the first quarter of 2021 as the second most deadly of the pandemic, with 914 deaths and 80,231 infections, only surpassed by that of July-September of last year, where deaths reached 1,250.

What factors were involved? The answer is the general elections in July and the Christmas and New Year festivities where there were large crowds of people.

The count is not to cause worry but to take care and respect health protocols so that the next quarter that begins precisely with the Holy Week holiday does not continue to fill Dominican families with mourning.

Take into account that in March alone 212 people died, according to the Ministry of Public Health’s bulletins # 348 of the first day to # 378 of the 31 of the same month.

On New Year’s Day, the total number of deaths from covid in this half Caribbean island was 2,416 deaths from coronavirus, and as of March 31, that figure had grown to 3,330, so 914 people died in those three months from the pandemic.

Avoid the third wave of contagion resurgence at Easter.

At a time when thousands of Dominicans travel to different parts of the country to spend the Semana Mayor holiday, the Minister of Public Health, Daniel Rivera, urged respect for protocols, such as physical distancing, the use of a mask, and washing of hands to avoid a third resurgence like the one faced by other nations. The official went further by indicating that the security forces will enforce the provisions.

Atypical Easter

Although last year the Dominicans were confined when facing the pandemic, unable to leave their homes due to the state of emergency that prevented them, now there is greater openness, you can go to the beaches, the mountains, and other places of recreation, but the prudence and good sense of vacationers depend on how are the records of deaths and infections for the coming months.

On March 15, 2020, it was when the country registered the first death from coronavirus, and twelve months later, it exceeded 3,300.

Holy Thursday Bulletin

The Ministry of Public Health reported another five deaths from coronavirus yesterday, one corresponding to the last 24 hours and 469 new infections.

The daily positivity in this epidemiological bulletin # 378 is 14.78%.

746 health workers have contracted the virus; 356 pregnant women and 27,443 children under 20 years of age.


In the run-up to the Semana Mayor holiday, there are 422 people hospitalized for 17%; In Intensive Care Units, there are 154 patients, for 30% and 99 ventilators for 25%.

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