Health July 26, 2021 | 1:36 pm

In the country there are 33,164 people with active virus

Santo Domingo, DR

The Ministry of Public Health reported that it registered 384 new coronavirus patients in the last 24 hours in the country yesterday, totaling 33,164 active cases of the virus.

Epidemiological bulletin 493 recorded no new deaths from the disease, so the number of fatalities remains 3,937.

Yesterday, 5,437 samples were processed with a daily positivity of 11.56% and in the last four weeks of 11.11%.

Of these processed tests, 4,510 ‘Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and 925 antigen tests were performed.

It is also noteworthy that the provinces with the newest positive cases are the National District with 65, 36 in Santo Domingo, 52 in Santiago, 48 in La Vega, and San Juan 43.

Situation of the country
To date, the country has a total of 340,053 registered, with 302,952 patients recovered, and 1,479,126 suspected cases have been ruled out.

The case fatality rate for Covid-19 patients remains at 1.16 percent, and the mortality rate per million population stands at 376.80.

This report also notes that the total number of samples processed in the country since the pandemic began is 1,819,179, equivalent to 174,109 per million people.

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