Health May 24, 2022 | 12:33 pm

Covid on the upswing

Santo Domingo.- The Ministry of Public Health reported 183 new coronavirus positives this Tuesday, 70 more than those released yesterday, while seriously ill patients also increased in number.

Those admitted to intensive care units amount to six, when only one was reported on Monday.

In common areas of health centers there are today 39 people, seven more than yesterday

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James Bosworth
May 25, 2022 12:02 am

Summer! Windows are being closed. AC units are being turned on. Figure it out. Heavy rain has the same affect. People inside with windows closed.

Two years in and people in power don’t understand or accept the science their is only one transmition vector. We should be safe here.

Watch out for Monkey Pox. Get educated on that stay safe. If you have any symptoms and children go to a hospital immediately!

Go immediately even if you don’t have kids.