Dengue alert; 33 deaths and 5,660 cases in the country

The Dominican Republic remains alert for dengue fever, an infectious disease endemic country.
Although the epidemiological bulletin is not updated, the 33rd week is maintained, and authorities assure that 33 deaths have been registered up to that time. In addition, the system registers 5,660 cases of the viral disease.
The disease is transmitted through the bite of the Aedes aegypti mosquito. The Dominican Republic has a high incidence.
The Hugo Mendoza, Robert Reid Cabral, and Estrella Ureña pediatric hospitals have the highest cases. Specialists recommend being attentive to the symptoms, taking children on time, and avoiding self-medication.
You may be interested in Warning: Infectologist warns of diseases coming after Fiona.
No outbreaks
The Ministry informed that there were no disease outbreaks in the affected provinces after the passage of storm Fiona.
Investigations have been underway for days through a survey of cases in all the affected areas, and they are trying to prevent the risk of people getting sick.
Dr. Gina Estrella, Director of Risk and Disaster Management, emphasized that this monitoring also included taking samples for covid-19, all of which were negative. In addition, surveillance is being maintained against dengue, malaria, and other diseases such as leptospirosis, and she called to be vigilant to avoid cases.
He said there had been a notification of a small outbreak of diarrhea in prison related to the consumption of contaminated water.
The rapid action of the response teams in the shelters helped to prevent disease. This was due to the installation of fixed units in the shelters, the assessment of immediate needs, disease prevention, distribution of medicines, food, sampling, water purification, and later the placement of people in the homes of family and friends to avoid overcrowding”.
He also referred to the mental health personnel’s psychological support to the families.