Health May 11, 2023 | 8:14 am

Public Health recognizes gyms should not sell steroids

Santo Domingo.- The Vice Minister of Collective Health, Eladio Pérez, recently emphasized that gyms should not be authorized places to distribute medications, exceptionally anabolic steroids used to enhance muscle mass among young individuals. Pérez expressed concern about the improper dispensation of medications, comparing it to administering a penicillin injection in a non-medical setting. He clarified that gyms are not subject to the qualifications and oversight of the Vice Ministry of Quality Assurance, suggesting that other ministries may have jurisdiction over these matters. Pérez assured that appropriate measures would be taken to address the situation if necessary, emphasizing the need to regulate the sales of such substances.

Minister of Sports, Francisco Camacho, acknowledged the challenge of intervening in the matter, noting that gyms are private businesses. He stated that the approval of the General Sports Law is required to address the issue effectively. Camacho explained that while the Ministry, the Olympic Committee, and the International Olympic Committee hold responsibilities regarding athletes and can conduct doping tests, they lack jurisdiction over private citizens. He stressed the need for complaints to be filed to initiate regulatory actions.

Pérez called for the regulation of the sales of these substances and emphasized that the Ministry of Public Health’s role is to verify the importation of approved drugs with proper sanitary registration and quality guarantees. He highlighted the passive monitoring conducted to detect specific issues and ensure safe administration in healthcare centers. The vice minister also called for stronger enforcement of the law and increased doping tests in sports.

In response to the situation, the Ministry of Sports has been collaborating with the Ministry of Health to raise awareness among parents about the dangers of steroid use and encourage them to report coaches who promote the use of such substances to their children. Rafael Mena, the Vice President of the Pediatric Society, emphasized the risks associated with indiscriminate use of anabolic steroids, such as liver cancer, hypertension, and muscle and ligament rupture. Mena stressed the importance of increased supervision and penalties for coaches who engage in such practices. He also noted that these substances are essential in medical treatments for asthma and lupus.

Efforts are being made to address the issue through the Doping Law, which aims to regulate and combat the misuse of substances. The focus is on achieving comprehensive regulations and raising awareness to protect the well-being of young athletes and individuals engaging in fitness activities.

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