Present the National Plan for Dengue: positive outlook

Santo Domingo.- The Minister of Public Health, Dr. Víctor Atallah, emphasized that the country possesses an advantageous position to combat dengue effectively, provided all sectors unite with a shared vision and coordinated preventive measures.
During a meeting to unveil the National Plan for Dengue to various institutions encompassing public, private, and civil society sectors, attended by members of the Health Cabinet and the COE, Dr. Atallah underscored the potential to mitigate the negative impact of dengue in the country through timely preventive actions.
“While the dengue situation in the region presents challenges, our nation stands in a favorable position, allowing each of us to play a crucial role in finding solutions. With shared responsibilities and ensured resource availability, we can address any situation,” he emphasized.
Dr. Atallah stressed the importance of community integration, involving civil society, the private sector, the Medical College, academic institutions, and government collaboration to combat dengue collectively.
“It’s imperative for the Ministry to not tackle dengue alone. We all share a responsibility and commitment to our nation. Community integration through various avenues like academia, schools, churches, community leadership, and family involvement is crucial for dengue prevention through education, waste management, and support from international organizations such as PAHO, USAID, among others,” he added.
The “National Plan for Dengue” is structured around two main programmatic lines: social interventions (debris removal, fumigation) and prompt care, emphasizing health personnel training, academia integration, and care protocol updates.
Dr. Eladio Pérez, Vice Minister of Collective Health, highlighted the importance of providing support and guidance to the population for prevention and early detection to prevent severe cases and ensure effective care protocols.
PAHO’s representative in the country, Dr. Alba María Ropero, affirmed the organization’s commitment to providing comprehensive support for dengue management, focusing on intersectoral coordination, resource advocacy, capacity building, and clinical management.
Erdwin Robert Olivares, Director of Operations of the Emergency Operations Center (COE), reiterated the entity’s dedication to coordinating social intervention efforts with other organizations.
Representatives from various sectors including the Catholic Church, Dominican Council of Evangelical Unity (CODUE), Ministry of Agriculture, Association of Private Clinics (ANDECLIP), and others expressed their support for the strategy and emphasized the need for continuous preventive actions.
Notable attendees included Santiago Hazin, director of SENASA, Dr. Edinson Feliz, director of the Metropolitan Health Service, Vice Ministers of Health José Antonio Matos and Miguel Rodríguez Viñas, alongside other officials and managers.