Figueroa case inmates party hearty, face solitary

SANTO DOMINGO. – Prisons director Manuel de Jesus Perez on Tuesday ordered an investigation of the inmates who sneaked booze into the jail at Najayo to celebrateNew Year’s and of the jail guards who allowed to it.
He said if the denunciation revealed in photos through the website is verified, those responsible will face sanctions.
The photos show the inmates Juan Jose Fernandez Ibarra and Ricardo Ivanovich Smester, among others, indicted for money laundering in the case of the Puerto Rican murder convict Jose Figueroa Agosto’s narcotics network.
Just last week Figueroa’s paramour, Sobeida Felix, was caught with several cell phones by a prison guard, who turned down a bribe of RD$100,000, and led to her transfer to a solitary confinement cell.