Dominican authorities install chlorine plants in border region

Santo Domingo.- In response to thepollution of water and rivers consumed by humans in the border region and thosethat are said to contain the cholera bacteria, the Ministry of Health hasstarted installing chlorine production plants in this areas and in other partsof the country.
The Ministry’s Environmental Healthdirector Luis Emilio Félix Roa said that they have started by setting up 18plants that will be supervised by local residents.
The aim is to ensure that water intended for human consumption is treated and made safe for drinking in the most vulnerablecommunities and in public hospitals.
Félix Roa said that the plants have the capacity to produce up to 40 gallons ofchlorine per day, of which 150 gallons of the chemical are supplied to theborder assistance centers.
The provinces that have been provided withthese plants include Comendador, (Elías Piña), Pedernales, Independencia,Montecristi, Dajabón, Barahona, Bahoruco, Peravia and San Juan de la Maguana.