Three Kings Day marked by traditional procession

Santo Domingo.- Despite the change of the official holiday date toMonday, the Three Kings Procession took place along the streets of SantoDomingo’s Colonial Zone and San Carlos district last night on the usualtraditional date, the eve of January 6th, Three Kings Day.
The parade marched to the sounds of the fire brigade band and featuredtroupes of people in colorful disguises, led by the Three Wise Men on horseback, throwing candies and treats to the crowdsof spectators mainly made up of children. The 100 marchersincluded Strong Men, Ancient Egyptians, Shepherds, Astrologers, Children Bearing Gifts and Hangmen.
“This tradition is more than six decades strong, and we can’t endit”, stated Santo Domingo Fire Chief Oscar Guillermo García. He said that theparade was sponsored by the National District Municipal Council (ADN) and thatall the participants were volunteers.
Hundreds of children flock to the event without the need for much publicity, saidGarcía. They lined the route along Mella, José Reyes, México, Duarte, ArzobispoMeriño, Arzobispo Noel and Palo Hincado streets.