All but two to appeal Paya sentences

Santo Domingo.- Following an agreement with the LegalAuthorities in return for the suspension of their sentence, only two ofthe 16 people convicted for the Paya killings will not appeal thedecision imposed by the Third Collegiate Tribunal of the Penal Chamber of theNational District’s Court of First Instance, headed by judge Alina Mora deMármol.
Augusto Daneri Andújar, sentenced to three years, and Marcos Fajardo Almonte, whowas sentenced to five years, will not take this option.
The remaining 14 convicted areappealing for the total revocation of their sentence, and to be publiclyabsolved and set free by the Court of Appeals.
They are Orín Clinton Gómez Haford, Manuel Roche Pineda, Andrés Berroa Mercedes, Miguel Peña Figuereo, Dennys Jairo Rodríguez Pérez, Edward Mayobanex Rodríguez Montero, Ricardo Rafael Guzmán Pérez and his wife Scarlet Aristy Rosa, Andrés Tapia Balbuena, Yaneurys Manuel Calvo Tejada, Luís Lara Martínez, José Luís Montás (Duromotors), Jorge Luís Chalas and Jesús Sánchez Piña.
On August 4 2008, seven men were massacred in a drug-related incident in Ojo de Agua, Paya, in the province of Peravia (Bani).
The Legal Authorities decided not to appeal the sentence that imposes a totalof 323 years on the 16 accused of the killing of the Paya killings, on thegrounds that the penalty meets their expectations.