Fernandez taps commission in Constitution Court row

SD. President Leonel Fernandez last night concluded five hours of debates on the contradictory aspects of the Constitutional Court Statutory Law, by designating a commission of six jurists to advise Congress on formulas to solve what he called "technical inconveniences" in the interpretation of the Constitution regarding jurisdictional overlaps with the Supreme Court.
The commission headed by Mariano Germán includes the jurists Eduardo Jorge Prats, Olivo Rodríguez, Víctor Joaquín Castellanos, César Pina Toribio and Flavio Darío Espinal should submit its recommendations no later than February 17, date on which the extended legislature convened yesterday by Fernandez comes to a close.
Fernandez, in his speech to conclude the forum "Towards a Constitutional Court: prerogatives and competencies" held last night in the Global Foundation for Democracy and Development (Funglode), called for "a spirit of harmony" to debate the issue.