Santo Domingo prosecutor continues to seize guns

Santo Domingo.- Santo Domingo Province prosecutor Perfecto Acosta headed the second sweep to seize guns since the start of the year, confiscating 17 weapons and a saber with satanic markings.
Also seized in the searches headed by Acosta and his Assistant DAs were 15 slot machines, 10 loudspeakers; dozens of bullets, including explosive shells; 70 plastic chairs which blocked sidewalks, two SUVs and two cars with powerful music equipment.
The official warned that the authorities will confiscate all guns from the people caught carrying them in night clubs, a measure he affirms looks to reduce violence.
Acosta said the operations will continue and noted that it’s Santo Domingo East’s first in 2011, and the confiscations now total 29 guns, 92 slot machines and 37 loudspeakers.