Threat of ousted leader’s return prompts call to seal Haiti-Dominican border

Santo Domingo.- Prompted by fears that former Haiti strongman Jean Claude Duvalier’s return portends the arrival of ousted president Jean Bertrand Aristide, whose presence may spur confrontations and disturbances in that nation, a top official today proposed “sealing” the Haiti-Dominican border.
The President’s Advisor on narcotics Marino Vinicio Castillo said if that measure is taken, only the NGOs which receive international funds will complain.
He said to deny Aristides his passport would only worsen Haiti’s woes, in reference to a reported move by that nation’s Government.
He said that measure should’ve been taken once cholera was detected in Haiti.
As to the vigilante groups which are forming in several parts of the county which threaten to expel the illegal Haitians by force, Castillo said the authorities must be careful, since it could get out of control. “It’s necessary to take care of the phenomenon of the groups forming to remove the Haitians, because it may possibly turn uncontrollable.”