Dominican Government calls “very strange” Washington’s response to Haitian boy’s death

Santo Domingo.- Presidency Chief of Staff Cesar Pina Toribio yesterday called Washington’s reaction to the death of a Haitian boy when arsonists torched several shacks where families from that country lived in Barahona, “very strange,” because the attitude hasn’t been the same when similar cases occur in the United States.
“What is very strange to me is that there has been no such reaction from the North American authorities when that has happened in North American territory to the detriment of Latin American citizens or other nationalities that are in their territory making use of that right to be accepted,” Pina said.
The U.S. Embassy yesterday rebuked the tragedy on Sunday in the Batey Altagracia, in southwestern Barahona, where a three year old boy died and four families lost their houses.
In a statement, the U.S. Embassy said the extra judicial acts of violence contradict the State of Law and threaten the most fundamental principles of democratic governance.
“We express ours most sincere condolences to the affected families,” Pina said, noting that Dominican Republic was the first to lament the Haitian boy’s death, at first blamed on a Dominican, though local police blame some of the undocumented Haitians themselves.
He added that the authorities proceed within it attribute to limit illegal immigration, respecting human rights and dignity.