3rd suspect surrenders in Police colonel’s murder

SANTO DOMINGO. – The third and last suspect in the shooting death of a Police lieutenant colonel Virgilio Casilla Minaya surrendered Friday morning, after three days of intense searches and raids.
Samuel Tejada went to the TV station Telesistema, channel 11, where he turned himself in to Santo Domingo East prosecutor Perfecto Acosta, who escorted him to Police headquarters.
On Thursday the two other murder suspects Ydi Amín Fermín and Junior Antonio Valdez also surrendered to authorities.
Acosta guaranteed said they’ll respect the rights of the suspects. " These people surrendered voluntarily and we are obliged to respect their rights starting with their physical integrity."
He added that the three men will be charged for last week’s murder of Casilla, which rocked the National Police, given his investigations as one of the heads of the Internal Affairs Division.