Dominican physicians vow to file suit on RD$10B row

Santo Domingo.- The association that groups Dominican Republic’s physicians (CMD) on Friday announced it will file suit against the promoters of a resolution which transfers RD$10 billion to employers and the Government.
It said National Social Security Council president Max Puig, and the Dominican Social Security Institute and other members will have to respond for approving on Thursday the transfer of the funds, which the CMD affirms is a surplus of the Labor Risks Administrators (ARL).
The medical union called incomprehensible the fact that the ARL has only RD$8.0 billion pesos and that the Council seeks to appropriate RD$2.3 billion more which it seeks for itself and have yet to materialize, at the expense of an institution whose principles call for solidarity and integrity.
“This embarrassing action not only goes to the plane of illegitimacy, but also puts at risk the benefits for workplace accidents and the professional diseases for the coming years,” the CMD said in a statement.
The doctors ask civil society to join them in their offices on February 2 to coordinate actions against the National Social Security Council’s decision.