Police reiterates Internal Affairs investigator was killed in holdup

Santo Domingo.- Last week’s shooting death of Police lieutenant colonel Virgilio Casilla Minaya resulted from a botched armed holdup by the ex convict Ydi Amín Fermín and others who have criminal records for grand theft and murder.
The authorities made the announcement in a Monday morning press conference, where investigators showed the guns allegedly used in the officer’s killing, detailed the chronogram of events that ended with the lieutenant colonel’s death and the gold chain that belonged to Casilla, sold by the alleged murderers for 54,000 pesos.
The announced motive for the killing at first drew skepticism because Casilla was reportedly investigating several cases as a senior officier of the Police Internal Affairs Division.
The case took on another angle Saturday when Fermin affirmed being only a middleman, and suggested that Police mayor Cristino Batista Roa, of the precinct at Las Caobas should be questioned in connection with the murder.