Santiago business leaders ask Fernandez to “urgently” change Labor Code

SANTIAGO.- Santiago’s merchants and business leaders grouped in the ACIS asked president Leonel Fernandez to urgently modify the Labor Code, alleging that the current norm promotes unease among workers and employers.
ACIS president Sandy Filpo asked the chief executive to create a commission that includes vice president Rafael Alburquerque, monsignor Agripino Núñez and Labor minister Francisco Dominguez, to debate of the reform the Labor Code together with the private sector and the unions.
He said to discuss the problem and agree on a solution, the union leaders and Núñez met in the ACIS office building in Santiago several months ago, looking for solutions to the outdated articles of the current Labor Code, but always respecting the workers’ acquired rights and the right to unionize.
Filpo, speaking in the ACIS 50th anniversary in the Grand Cibao Theater, hailed the unions’ leadership and to the ambience of peace Dominican Republic lives under, but warned of continuing mafias with lawyers who work labor cases. “We cannot continue losing jobs, product of lawyers, and bailiffs who, resorting to a legal technicality, sack companies and discredit the union movement."