Ministers agree on the 10 principles of competitiveness

Santo Domingo.– Ministers of Economy, Finance and Industry and Trade of the Americas signed on Friday October 7 the document "Consensus of Santo Domingo," containing 10 general principles of competitiveness, which were approved by higher authorities and councils of the region’s competitiveness Annual Meeting of the Inter-American Competitiveness Network (RIAC).
During the ministerial meeting, held under the Fith Americas Competitiveness Forum, the top officials emphasized the importance of this general ten principles in order to guide actions at regional, national and sub-agreement according to the interest, context and competitiveness agendas of each country to move towards a more prosperous region.
The meeting was hosted by Dominican Economy minister Temistocles Montas, and National Competitiveness Council director Andres van der Horst and RIAC president pro tempore.