Cell phones blocked in a second jail

La Vega, Dominican Republic.- Army chief Pedro Cáceres Chestaro Wednesday implemented the cell phone blocking system in the Fortaleza 2 de Mayo jail, Moca (central), the second to be installed in the country’s prisons.
The measure, on president Leonel Fernandez’s instructions, blocks the access of cell phones.
“In order to confront the increase in delinquency and organized crime in the country we continue a plan of action to prevent cell telephone access in the 14 convectional facilities under the Army’s control,” Cáceres said.
The so plan of action dubbed “Roger” was made operational in the jail at Moca, in the presence of prisons director Roberto Obando Prestol and officials military.
The system features closed circuit security cameras, screens, remote control via Internet, readers of cell phones and a ban on their use by the jail guards, with the support of Army military intelligence G-2.
The measure seeks to stop criminals from directing gangs from the jails, especially kidnappings and hired killers, contracted by drug traffickers and organized crime.