Child porn on the Web invades the country, expert says

Santo Domingo.- The Pear to Pear (P2P) network, whose autonomy and technical sophistication escapes ordinary controls, is being used for the criminal traffic of child pornography in the country.
Web crimes expert Guillermo Galarza said the handling of child porn via the P2P is concentrated in the North and East zones, since it’s a network which can establish links among many users outside the Internet.
He said although the global authorities try to supervise that network’s contents, its sophistication makes the task very difficult and its vigilance requires investment and training.
Galarza presented a map of child porn material exchanged via the P2P showing that the practice is concentrated in the North and East zones, the country’s two most important tourism regions.
Quoted by news source, the expert added that the network, that it doesn’t need a Web connection, is used by police authorities worldwide to supervise the types of contents shared by people. “It’s possible to classify them using digital values.”